Full Movie Streaming Sleepy Hollow in High Definition Quality. Online Streaming Sleepy Hollow in Best Look Video Format. Watch Full Movie Sleepy Hollow in HD Video. Download Full Sleepy Hollow in High Quality Video. Play Movie Sleepy Hollow in High Quality.
You will discover that a complete beskrivelse af Sleepy Hollow nedenfor:
- Original titel : Sleepy Hollow
- Film titel : Sleepy Hollow
- År for film : 1999
- Genrer af film : Drama, Fantasy, Thriller, Mysterium,
- Status for film : Released
- Udgivelsesdato for film : 1999-11-18
- Virksomheder af film : Paramount Pictures, American Zoetrope, Mandalay Pictures, Tim Burton Productions, Karol Film Productions,
- Landene i film : Germany, United States of America,
- Sprog af film : English,
- Varighed film : 105 Min
- Gennemsnitlig stemme af film : 6.8
- Youtube ID film : nYHt8SdUj-U
- Cast af film :Miranda Richardson (Crone), Peter Guinness (Lord Crane), Martin Landau (Peter Van Garrett), Richard Griffiths (Bürgermeister Phillipse), Michael Gough (Notar Hardenbrook), Jessica Oyelowo (Sarah), Casper Van Dien (Brom Van Brunt), Steven Waddington (Kilian), Ian McDiarmid (Dr. Lancaster), Claire Skinner (Beth Killian), Johnny Depp (Ichabod Crane), Mark Spalding (Jonathan Masbath), Marc Pickering (Young Masbath), Christina Ricci (Katrina Van Tassel), Christopher Lee (Burgomaster), Tony Maudsley (Van Ripper), Jamie Foreman (Constable), Jeffrey Jones (Reverend Steenwyck), Philip Martin Brown (Constable), Michael Gambon (Baltus Van Tassel), Christopher Walken (Hessian Horseman), Alun Armstrong (High Constable), Lisa Marie (Lady Crane)
Sleepy Hollow is the foremost film manufacured by Paramount Pictures, American Zoetrope, Mandalay Pictures, Tim Burton Productions, Karol Film Productions, along with beskrivelse af filmen er "Ichabod Crane, er excentrisk og ivrig politibetjent med en nytænkende indgangsvinkel til at opklare forbrydelser. Ichabods moderne efterforskningsmetoder bliver sat på prøve, da hans overordnede sender ham til den lille by Sleepy Hollow for at undersøge en række mord, angiveligt begået af en hovedløs rytter.". Filmen er produceret med fremragende grafisk kvalitet, bedste quality of sound and finest bedste skuespillere.
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Director of Photography : Emmanuel Lubezki, Casting : Susie Figgis, Executive Producer : Francis Ford Coppola, Producer : Scott Rudin, Producer : Adam Schroeder, Original Music Composer : Danny Elfman, Costume Supervisor : Suzi Turnbull, Screenstory : Andrew Kevin Walker, Production Design : Rick Heinrichs, Editor : Chris Lebenzon, Executive Producer : Larry J. Franco, VFX Production Coordinator : Julie D'Antoni, Novel : Washington Irving, Director : Tim Burton, Casting : Ilene Starger, Screenstory : Kevin Yagher, Screenplay : Andrew Kevin Walker, Costume Design : Colleen Atwood
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Tags: cut-off head, horseman, head,
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